Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Raise the Spinnakers! The 2006 Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race
Even the landlubbers had to admit the conditions were perfect for the great race, with a westerly breeze promising a spectacular flying spinnaker start down the world's greatest harbour. With one ear on the cricket and Warnie's quest for history, and all eyes on the harbour, it was a picture perfect boxing day in Seeeedneey.
Watson's Bay, the perfect spot to catch the sun and the race, and if you're lucky, a beach babe.
Looking back west towards the city from the picturesque heights of the South Head. In the background the 78 strong fleet jockeys for position awaiting the starter's gun - actually they don't because Rock's paranoia about missing a prime viewing spot required a 2 hour stakeout...
Cap'n Jack Sparrow keeps the crowd entertained prior to the big start. Unfortunately Kiera doesn't seem to be on board.
And they're away! The mighty super maxis lead the fleet off the line, in what was apparently one of the fastest start in the race's storied history.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Day at Coogee
After an overcast start, the sun finally wins through for a gloriously sunny Christmas afternoon. Pack the esky, it's off to the beach.

All aboard the Polar Express... Proudly brought to you by Coka Cola. Come on Rock, power walking ain't gonna burn off that Christmas excess.
Mariners beware, mermaids have been reported in the area. Don't get lured to your doom like one poor sucker...
The sun is shining, the barbies are firing up, the bikinis are coming out (and then off) , and Rock's still eating. Welcome to Christmas on Coogee beach.
The best thing about Coogee is it lies just below the flight path for Sydney Kingsford Smith International's runway 25. With a westerly breeze blowing the heavies were vectoring in on short finals over the golden sand. Can it get any better than that? Here a magnificent Qantas 747-400 , still emblazoned with the flying Kangaroo rather than the holey dollar, lines up her final approach with gears extended and full flaps.
All aboard the Polar Express... Proudly brought to you by Coka Cola. Come on Rock, power walking ain't gonna burn off that Christmas excess.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Deck the Halls!
Ok, I'll steer clear of the inevitable mouldy concrete Massey Science Tower A/B/C versus the weighty Cambridge-esqe granite of the University of Sydney Quadrangle comparison... Ok I won't. But Rock appears to be more interested in whether a Harry Potterish Christmas feast is underway in the Great Hall, than with any debate on the relative academic merits of the two institutions.
Ok, so their manicured grass is so smooth even a Black Cap could get the ball to the boundary...
...and their gothic stone archways are a far cry from sheltering from the pouring rain under the dripping eves of the decrepit MUSA centre before a forelorn dash to Ag Hort...
...but I bet the poncy, latte-sipping, BMW-driving student body of this institution would never stagger late, dripping with mud, into a lecture theater after 2 hours of hacky in a waterlogged paddock out the back of the run-down Riddett building. So eat dirt city slickers! I'll take the sheep, the drizzle, the soggy MUSA potato top pie and the grey concrete any day!
An entry level model from Toyota's budget range may be king of the hill in a Gravel Pit littered with rusting used Japanese imports, but out here the students wouldn't be caught dead in such a glorified golf cart...
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Cruising to Kiama
Kiama is a little township about 90 minutes south of Sydney. Surrounded by golden beaches and forested mountains, it is the perfect haven for jaded Seeedneysiders trying to escape the my-organic-free-range-chi-latte-is-better-than-yours Eastern suburbs crowd. Wheel out the Holden, pack the esky, time to hit the barbie.
Speaking of Barbies, this beach babe is so smokin' the NSW Rural Fire Service ruled her a bushfire hazard...
Looking south down to the coastal city of Wollongong, best know for... well, a University that bears an uncanny resemblance to Massey - complete with a hideous concrete vet tower wannabe and a duck pond. Needless to say, it was almost enough to bring a nostalgic tear to the eye.
Hang on to your hats! That annoying wind must be blowing here all the way across the Tasman from Wellington. Bloody kiwis!
Saturday Night Fever comes a day (and generation) too late.
Rodin's inspiration for The Thinker. With that kind of intellectual firepower on display, who wouldn't be moved to craft a masterpiece? Gallery blurbs and countless contemporary art texts have long debated what momentus thoughts must be running through the depths of this philosophers brain. The origins of the universe? The meaning of life itself? The interior geometry of a hypercube? Actually he's trying to decide if he wants a burger or fish and chips for lunch.
The mighty j00Bot. Rock immediately felt at home with his beloved underpowered 1.3L Corolla engine under the bonnet and generic Toyota gear shifter (heck, even the Toyota F1 team must use the same ubiquitous grey plastic knob) in hand. It may not come from Maranello, but it gets from A to Zhu with minimum fuss, unlike the passenger seat occupant.
Speaking of Barbies, this beach babe is so smokin' the NSW Rural Fire Service ruled her a bushfire hazard...

Saturday, December 09, 2006
It's Christmas time in The City...
You know it's xmas party season in Sydney when you can't find a taxi for 10 blocks in any direction on a Thursday or Friday night; when the least-revealing article of clothing the bunch of chicks staggering past have on is their tacky red santa hats; when every boat on the harbour is booked out for the requisite corporate booze cruise; when the Pitt Street mall is packed to the brim with sweaty shoppers while the generic xmas toons blare out from the boom boxes in every shop window; and when Mei actually dons a nice dress.
Action from GeekCentral - the FairfaxDigital party. The theme is Bond, James Bond. The guests do their best to match the suave persona of Her Majesty's superagent, but it's hard to save the world and get the girl(s) when you're simultaneously trying to decide if you next character should be that cool elvish sharpshooter or that hulking skull-crushing barbarian fighter. Given the clientele, maybe they should have just held the party in Second Life ;)

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Blogging in Brisbane
Deep in thought, Rock uses some downtime on the 16th floor of the Chiefly on Lennons hotel to contemplate the many witty musings he will write on his blog once he gets back. Four days later the musing continues. While you wait for him to think of something funny to say, enjoy these photos.
First impressions of Brisbane are after the sun sets. And fortunately before the skeeters come out. A balmy tropical evening makes the stroll to the inevitable first destination - Chinatown - a pleasant one. There's something very Singaporeish about the whole river bank. All that's missing is the trademarked Merlion (and the vewy cheap 1 dolla noodle stalls).

Brisbane is a city on the up - rapid growth, a great climate and an awesome city centre perched on the picturesque banks of the rather unimaginatively named Brisbane River. Rather than clammer on the me-too-my-tower-is-taller-than-yours bandwagon, Brisbane decides to go down a different route - by rolling a collection of giant marbles into architecturally strategic locations. Now there's a city with balls.
"Goodbye Herr Jones!" Rock illustrates what happens when you don't have 20 takes, a patient George Lucas, and an entire stunt crew from Industrial Light & Magic to back you up.
Riverdance comes to town! Huh? Come on, that's like a pun, you know 'cause there's a river... and a dance... That's, you know, like funny, right?

Ok fine, it wasn't the best, but Rock's struggling here. One of the coolest areas of the city is the recently redeveloped Southbank, an eclectic collection of cafes, markets, ice cream stalls and even a man-made beach.
Rock wishes he brought a pair of sissors - a few snips and the flower budget for the wedding would be history.
Nobody does cool like the Cold Rock. Forget the scorching sun, forget the oppressive humidity, this man takes cool to a whole new level.
So that's what all those bronzed beach babes are lining up for - the Hot Rock Fantasy! You won't find this on offer at the kiddies paddling pool around the corner baby! Come and get that Hot Rock action you've been craving! And only 6 bucks, now that's a steal if I ever saw one.
Time to get down to the real reason for the trip - Aussie Nationals 2006. The venue: the ludicrously flash private Brisbane Grammar school. Rock strikes a gladatorial pose for the waiting media throngs. Luckily the papparazzi lose interest after he crashes out short of the quarter finals. Final place an unlucky 13th.

Brisbane is a city on the up - rapid growth, a great climate and an awesome city centre perched on the picturesque banks of the rather unimaginatively named Brisbane River. Rather than clammer on the me-too-my-tower-is-taller-than-yours bandwagon, Brisbane decides to go down a different route - by rolling a collection of giant marbles into architecturally strategic locations. Now there's a city with balls.

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