Thursday, May 02, 2019

The Easter Jedi

You can increase the odds of the Easter Bunny showing up if he doesn't have to slip past the night doorman, hop across four lanes of traffic and shimmy under the crosstown bus. Set course for the North Fork system.

Good pick Mommy, looks like prime Easter egging territory.

No peeking in the rabbit holes.

Yep, straight out of yet another New York Times fluff piece on "The Brooklyn of <Insert Gentrification Here>."

Daddy, you shouldn't have!

Sure would be nice in summer. Too bad Mommy spotted a shoulder season value play. Fifty percent off if there are still icebergs in the Peconic Sound.

I thought Hoth was too remote for an effective demonstration?

This is Blue Three, standing by. Looks like one of those new-fangled T-70s. Call me a purist, but it isn't a trench run without four engines.

We're going in, we're going in full throttle! What do you mean we?!

Hey, where'd you pick up that Jawa? Oh it's Jakku? Sorry. With all the midcentury modern Instagram bait strewn around this hotel I just assumed it was 1977.

Told you the Easter Bunny was coming.

Turns out the Easter Bunny hauls more than eggs these days. How about a genuine Kylo Ren tri-bladed lightsaber?

Yeah, yeah, it's got three blades, but can it do a flick attack?

Daddy, I'm starting to think there's more to being cool than knowing the difference between an Interdictor-Class and Imperial-Class Star Destroyer.

Mommy, how many eggs did you have this weekend?