Nice digs. There's something both cool and depressing when your hotel room is bigger than your apartment.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Here come the Canadians! With an "a"...
Nice digs. There's something both cool and depressing when your hotel room is bigger than your apartment.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Here come the Canadiens! With an "e"...
Why it's just like Paris, right down to busloads of Americans.
How very Parisian. It's enough to make you think there might be a patisserie around the next corner.
Lucky Rock still remembers how to say Coke in French, it's hot as blazes north of the border. Not only have they blasted past our crumbling currency, they've also taken the lead in the weather stakes. But we still have the Stanley Cup, nah nah na nah nah!
I think your assistance would be a bit more welcome with an extra foot of stature.
It's so stereotypical it's almost a Disney ride. But no one loves a stereotype quite like the J00sters.
It must be France, it even has a Chateau perched on a hill. And this one doesn't cost 20 Euro to get inside.
Funny how coffee gets so much better when you leave the 50 worse coffee spots on the planet. Ok, in fairness Oregon and Washington could probably be subtracted from the list of shame, but nonetheless there's something cool about a latte with a maple leaf pattern in the foam.
Ahhhhh... that's what it's supposed to taste like. America runs on Dunkin, but Quebec runs on gourmet.
The redcoats are coming! Man the guns! Oh hang on, it's just those annoying Anglos from Ottawa coming to quell our latest attempt at secession. So on second thought, the orders stand.
The quaint streets of Quebec. Come on chief, can you try to look a little less touristy. You might as well have a American flag and a Harley tatooed on your rear.
Now we're talking. Bring on the French babes.
Oh look, it's the universal sign of another French surrender. Chill dudes, we can fend off those pesky English once the croissants have been dealt with.
If it was any more French... the whole town would be on summer holidays for the next two months.
Looking over the busy St Lawrence, a waterway that changed the history of the northeast. Good stuff steamed up this river, back in the days before everything came from China.
Swap the maple leaf for the Tricolore and the Frenchification is complete.
Hey this chateau has diversified beyond Bordeaux.
Panache offers a conemporary take on French cuisine. Basically that means French food without snooty waiters.
It's foie gras. What were you expecting, a McSnail?
Now there's a spread fit for a king. Assuming his head is still attached of course.
They call this chocolat, chocolat, et chocolat. Do you really need Google translate to work it out?
Next stop on Tour de Francofile: Montreal. A bit edgier and a bit more youthful than Quebec, this city has a charm all of its own. Plus it has a Quartier Chinois, which always gets the big stamp of approval in J00ster land.
Believe it or not, there is a window each year when the rivers aren't ribbons of ice.
Sure it's a nice day, but can't we roll the seasons forward a little bit. How about to the start of the new NHL season?
I think these are meant to represent the locks on the St Lawrence. Which is nice and all, but is it time to eat yet?
As the folks over at Two Phat so eloquently put it, even the graffiti is nice here.
Nice to be in a city where the most scenic street accessories aren't last night's garbage bags piled up in the gutter.
I've been working on the railroad. Mei counts herself lucky that she immigrated in the age of sitting in airconditioned offices instead of the age of driving in railway spikes all day.
When you can't grab a Venti iced coffee at every street corner you have to find other ways to cool down. Or you could head for Tim Hortons.
The annual jazz festival is in town, and the party is only just getting started. Or it was until Rock wandered into the scene and killed the mood.
Room with a view. Le Sheraton Centre towers over the olde worlde charm of downtown Montreal.
McGill University has reputably the best business school in Canada. That must be why the Professor is on the grounds.
Montreal boasts plenty of green space. Actually most of the year it's white space, but you get the idea.
What's this, a contest to see who can look lamer?
3, 2, 1... SKULL! Jared takes the lead by half a degree at the half way stage. A fact that was rendered moot after the contest when Rock was disqualified for swapping his beer for a coke.
Spot the pig in this photo. Be careful, it's harder than you think. Or easier, depending on your point of view.
It's time for a right ol' hoe down folks!
Party central. Who said jazz is best served down south?
This is as many people as you can get in one spot short of the Canadiens finally making the Cup finals.
Rock still hasn't spotted himself on the Wall of Legends. What's up with that.
A fitting finale. With an "e"... uhm, it always has an e dude...