Lucky we got to JFK early, the gateway to the Free World was always going to be jammed at 6am on Thanksgiving morning.
See clouds are for losers who pay taxes son.
Mommy, shall we hit the beach or set up the offshore reinsurance vehicle first?
Oh you mean it's actually an island? I just assumed Caymen was the code name for an anonymous shell company. Turns out the shells are like real.
Cheers to a warm Thanksgiving. Sure beats standing around waiting for that infernal turkey thermometer to pop up.
Pip takes a dip.
Free popsicles for all, delivered straight to the pool? With no tax increases? What is this, the Democratic Convention?
Just like a Warren plan there's always a catch. Can anyone say resort fee?
Thanksgiving dinner on the beach in a tax haven? Sure, why not. I mean those intrepid Pilgrims didn't brave the frigid North Atlantic so they could fill out Form 1040.
Was the Mayflower Star Alliance or Sky Team?
Is that how Pocahontas said to do the turkey? No, not you Lizzy, the other one.
These island turkeys are fattening up nicely.
Ah, the Caymen variation of the classic Sicilian Defense opening. What it lacks in subtly it makes up for in brute force.
That's the kind of maneuver we pull when the IRS is on our tail.
Oh when you said structure it as a Dutch Sandwich I assumed it came with fries.
What do you think Pip, time to open Cahan & Cahan LLC's offshore subsidiary?
Hang on, Cahan & Cahan is already registered.
I dare you to try that again after the kids eat free breakfast buffet.
200 years old and counting. Nothing has changed son, these strange two legged creatures still come to lose all their treasure on our island. Gold doubloons, magnetic strip, same thing, it's always squandered on grog in the end.
Mommy I really think you need the floaties more than me.
Here comes the toy wagon! Resort fees never looked so good.
There are worse places to be dragged out of bed at 6am.
Raise a spinnaker. Actually raise a champagne glass, it's time to sail like you own a wine cave.
So Ryan, is it true your Dad failed Minnows class? And you're definitely letting him take you swimming with the stingrays?
So puny human, did you hear the one about Steve Irwin?
Put on a brave face kids, time to head back to snow, sleet, JFK holiday traffic, and the IRS.