All aboard the Deutsche Bahn. What a difference an 'h' makes. Instead of a woefully undercapitalized pile of bad debts, laundered Rubles, and subpoenaed Trump loans you get that fabled German efficiency humming along at 200 mph.
Sorry kids, the Metro North is never going to be the same again.
The quaint university town of Heidelberg. Now listen up son, don't judge a school by the 500 year old philosopher-dude statue on the bridge. A former two-lane bridge with clip-on extensions to make it four lanes will get you where you need to go in life. Like Downtown Cinema 8 for example.
So Daddy is it true you studied in Science Tower B? Yeah kid, that was after Advanced Quantum Mechanics. But in my defense the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle posits that the very act of grading my paper could have altered its state to Tower A material.
Yeah, yeah, this campus has a castle and all. But you know what was on the hill above mine? An old Victorian hostel. And that's where Mommy lived. You don't always need a castle to find a princess son. But you almost certainly need a used Corolla.
This must be one of those fake castles to impress the Duchess across the river. There's no way this would survive the White Walkers. Actually, it would, because these days everyone survives for their spinoff series.
A major in court jestership? Not another darn liberal arts college!
Mommy, I've narrowed down my choices to Cook Street Takeaway for my safety and Fishtown for my reach.
The good news is you've already scraped the bottom of the barrel, so Massey will feel like home.
Heidelberger, you got nothing on Tuiberger. That's where you grab a kilo of mince from Pak 'n Save and chuck it on the grill with a dash of Mangatainoka's finest.
In Germany all kids on the ICE Intercity Express get a free model train. In American all kids on the train get shaken down by ICE.
A day time flight? In the annals of bad ideas that seems right up there with you know, dragging two kids on a two week work trip.
Let's bembel! Probably German for close your browsers.
Paw Patrol and orange juice on demand, darn right, that's where Massey will take you kid!