Sunday, December 22, 2024

Ranchito Cahan

Tighten your chaps, strap on your spurs... uhm after TSA of course... and hop on the next stagecoach to the Great State of Texas.

Look Dad, the stagecoach has TVs, and wifi, and if you make it as far as the Continental Divide you might make Platinum this year. If you don't, well, your fellow passengers will probably eat you.

Howdy pardner, that was quick, I guess Good Leads the Way on that stagecoach.

So bro, seen any cowgirls around? You mean like IRL or on my blazing fast Starlink wifi?

Ranchito Cahan, an architectural masterpiece in the Austin Hill Country.  

Think the sleek, minimalist lines of the classic Kiwi bach, except, you know, Texan sized.

Well now, seems we got a whole crew of cowpokes hankering for some grub.

NextGen Cahans #4 and #8.

So even the longhorns are on Ozempic now?

With uniforms like that no wonder Uncle Jared folded with a whimper.

I mean a bucking bronco is just dressage after this ride.

The moment of truth. How hard can it be, that other Texan just plucked a ginormous rocket out of the sky with chopsticks.

Remember, in these parts a pillar of fire is supposed to lead you to the Promise Land, not your Thanksgiving dinner.

Looks like the posse is back in town. Lock down your saloons, the raid on the light beers commences at high noon.

Bubbling along nicely.

Cahan Prime. Worth the annual subscription.  Gets you your stuff on the three-month express coach not the six-month overland.

Someone warn me if the turkey is about to explode, I'll need to put a bookmark in.

Because that's how we roll down here in the Hill Country. Real men cooking real meat. And Jared.

Ranchito Cahan. Since 2024.

Why is their water tank bigger than our entire apartment?

The Cahan Rodeo rides into town in style.

The frontier town of Wimberly has all the essentials: a saloon, a post office, and... a candy store? Hey, got to put those newfangled iron horses from way out east to good use.

Hometown ho down.

Taking a break between Yellowstone takes.

Austin, the Silicon Frontier.  Where GPUs and cowboy hats go hand in hand.

A troll? Well this is Elon's hometown, what did you expect?

All aboard the noon United Continental Express, puffing all the way to the great concrete forest of Manhattan.