Copenhagen: land of fairy tale princesses, little mermaids, and interconnected plastic brick systems. With regards to the latter, that spiral tower over yonder looks like it might require a few special edition bricks. Too bad all the custom molds are tied up cranking out limited edition Gold Leader's Y-Wing Starfighter (TM) sets.
Bit chilly for a summer's day, but that's really to be expected from a city built on an island called Zealand. On the plus side, it stays light until 11pm here. Not that that's going to matter much for Rock, he'll be tucked up in bed well before then.
Rock was never going to try anything other than the Direktor Snegl...
Apparently a 55% personal tax rate buys you some nifty public fountains.
It seems if you're a Scandinavian country it's pretty much a requirement that you define yourself through a single brand; Finland has Nokia, Sweden has Ikea, but Denmark tops them all. Let's face it, would you rather open a box and build a dresser or a Super Star Destroyer? Yeah, thought so.
Who let this dude out of the Duplo playpen?
Why we've reached Copenhagen's most famous street already. Guess we can turn around and head back to the hotel now.
Like most European cities, the great thing about Copenhagen is there isn't a car to be seen. If you need to get somewhere, it's a bike or the ol' two feet.
Haven't we seen this already? Nyhvan street seems a little less bumpy this time around.
Mei makes sure she has pole position for when they start unloading those fresh North Sea fishes.
Forget pickled herrings folks.
Watch your back, this dude has his eyes on that list bit of cone. Fish every day gets a little tedious.
Watch your back, this dude has his eyes on more than just that last bit of cone, how about a scoop too?
Like Manhattan, you don't really realize you're on an island until you suddenly come to the edge of the land.
Euro 2012. The football tournament that is, not the currency crisis. Although both make a pretty good spectator sport...
Bend it like Rockham. The only thing this dude is bending is his big toenail.
This country really really likes building things. When it's not Lego castles, it's sand castles. Or rather, a somewhat avant-garde collection of giant sand scultpures.
Europe is liberal to begin with, but Denmark takes it to a whole new level. We'd expect nothing less from the city that brought you Freetown Christiania.
Remarkable, for somewhere named Zealand this place is actually warming up. Starting to look a bit more like Bondi than Foxton
Grumpy fellow, must have watched the Germany-Denmark game.
Where's the pixilation filter when you need it?
Ok, this is just getting weirder and weirder. Must be that "organic farming" they're fond of over in Christiania.
Time to leave the sandy freak show behind. Back to the mainland.
The legendary Little Mermaid of Copenhagen. Little being the operative word... for someone so famous, she's a little... uhm... underwhelming. No wonder Disney had to jazz her up a little with some flaming red hair and a bit of push-up action.
You've got the pose right, but there's one thing missing: oh that's right, the ability to swim.
No caption necessary.
Don't despair, apparently the Prince is quite taken by girls from Down Under. And chances are he can't tell the difference between Hobart and New Zealand.
Rock prefers his castles a little more Helms Deep and a little less Sleeping Beauty.
The Round Tower. No, seriously, that's what it's called. Matches perfectly with the originality of this blog.
From up here you can almost see those bankrupt southern neighbors. But can you throw a rotten tomato far enough?
A long day in Copenhagen comes to an end. You just can't tell it's coming to an end because it's still light at 10pm.
There's that spiral again. Reminds Rock of a Direktor Snegl... Maybe since the sun is still up the pastry shops are still open?
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