Friday, July 08, 2016

Drill, Babies, Drill

Contango or backwardation? That's the two ways of wearing an Ergobaby, right? The answer to the riddle lies deep in the heart of Texas. Or rather, in that little purple dot deep in the throbbing red heart of Texas: the Hipster Heights of Houston. Because nothing says you've arrived like a Top 10 Foodie Cities ranking and a couple of artisanal, hand-drilled shale wells washed down with a bespoke fracking cocktail.

Daddy, this is lame, even my stroller turns into a flat bed. This thing barely goes back an inch.

Makes it looks as easy as flipping between two lame blogs.

Uncle Jared sporting some fine new wheels. Trust the energy trader to find a natural hedge in case oil prices stay low.

The wheels on the Audi go round and round, round and round, round and round. The babies in the Audi go get me out, get me out, get me out.

Revival Market. No it's not the mega church you expected down in these parts. Although even Joel Osteen would agree it's been blessed with a mighty fine fried chicken biscuit.

Remember her? She's the one who doesn't speak Mandarin. Oh and the hair kind of gives it away too.

The humidity is so viscous you can kick your legs to make the swing go.

A prize for the first reader who can spot a picture where Mei is actually holding the baby.

Grab the baby for a quick photo op. Offload to Grandma. Repeat as often as necessary. This whole baby thing is a breeze.

Well at least she's carrying the diaper bag...

Water baby! They don't have a splash pad like this on Lexington Avenue. Well you could splash on a bachelor pad but don't expect Daddy to cosign.

Cousin BK demonstrating why Kiwis and water go together like ants and their kitchens.

Kusama knows how to make kid friendly art. Instead of a boring canvas with some old guy on it she builds infinity rooms and psychedelic installations. So kid friendly in fact that Ryan slept all the way through all five dimensions. 

Underbelly, one of Houston's many nationally-acclaimed restaurants delivers on all fronts. Including letting kids in the bar.

The new IAH Amex Centurion lounge is only two days old. After Ryan's diaper incident their swish green couch looks about two years old.

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