The 6am breakfast buffet is becoming something of a family tradition.
It's not entirely clear why the hanging garden in the Seoul Town Hall is so highly rated on TripAdvisor. I mean it's a grass wall. You can see one at any third wave coffee joint.
Duck, duck, goose. Ryan's least favorite game and Rock's favorite Chinese menu.
Don't forget to lock the mountain behind you.
Daddy, is this like the Freedom Tower? Well, it's more like the brand of freedom you enjoy at bedtime, the one where you can do whatever you want as long as it's what I said.
A container collective. If you put Bernie, Warren and #AOC in boxes this is what you'd get.
Actually no, you'd get a failed state with lots of Twitter followers. Because you know, when you're standing in a bread line for three hours there's nothing better to do than refresh Twitter.
Whenever you're in a new city just Google "The Williamsburg of..."
You can't do this with a Kindle folks. The giant library of Gangnam is either an avant-garde installation exploring themes of disruption and alienation in a post-physical world or it's Instagram bait.
You're right, the latter.
The Fast and the Furious: Gangnam Gangsters.
Because of course shopping malls in Asia have aquariums. In America you might find a few sad looking guppies in the Petco.
Oh look, a Great White Man, Women and Non-Binary Eating Shark.
So this is what those Gen Zers are looking for? Gram-worthy walls.
The Ihwa Mural Village will go down as the highlight of five days in Seoul. But then you already knew that because you cheated and read that low-brow click-bait purveyor Two Phat Kiwis instead of waiting to get your quality Fake News at the venerable J00ster Journal. I mean we were breaking news in the BlackBerry epoch.
The attack is touche!
Because why not spend your vacation pretending to commute to work?
Didn't Disney make a movie about this? Let me guess, it wasn't the reason you signed up for Disney+. Let it goooooooooo!
Iced chocolates with the best view in the house. Actually it is a house.
The hottest Korean boy band. Because let's face it, the boy part doesn't really seem to be high on the job requirements list.
The Emperor's hidden garden doesn't really stay hidden in the Instagram age.
I hope the fortifications at the DMZ are a bit more robust.
Is that my Uber Eats kimchee delivery?
Before Baby Shark do do do do do there was Jaws Theme by John Williams.
Oh look even the streams are gentrified these days.
Back in my day son it was called graffiti not street art.
Next stop the Land of the Rising Sun. Which we will enjoy as the Land Before the Rising Sun.