Monday, August 31, 2009

Here come the bulldogs!

There's a dash of yellow in Central Park's dense summer foliage, and just the slightest hint of a chill in the morning air. And the swarms of peak-season tourists in Times Square are suddenly a little less dense (in numbers, not IQ and certainly not body mass index). Which can mean only one thing. It's autumn in the big apple. And more importantly, it's football season again!

So what better time to continue the Tour de Ivy than on the eve of another year of epic victories and crushed dreams in the cauldron of college football. Ok, fine, so Yale's Bulldogs aren't exactly setting the AP Top 25 alight, and most the students are probably more interested in dissecting the finer points of Sotomayor's (LAW '79) rulings than arguing the relative merits of Florida versus Texas, but one mention of Harvard Crimson and suddenly we've got a game on our hands.

Cahan (PHYSICS, 'never) and Zhu (IT, 'never) wonder why they never made it through the hallowed gate.

Founded in 1701. Stop and think about that for a second. This storied institute was handing out degrees before Massey even had a country to be put in.

The Master is in the House.

Oh look, a water feature other than a big puddle outside the MUSA shop after another soggy Manawatu day.

Yale Law School. Notable alumni include Bill and Hilary Clinton and Robert Rubin. Notable visitors include the J00sters.

Lux et veritas! Light and truth!

One of the extracurricular activities at Yale is the Guild of Carrillonneurs, charged with ringing the bells in Yale's many imposing towers. At Massey you can usually find a rusty cow bell or two in the paddock out the back of Ag Hort.

Talk about building brand equity.

This is just a library, not the library. Yale has 22.

How do you say nice digs in Latin?

Watch out for those crafty Slytherin boys. They might try to snatch you snazzy EliBucks(tm)swipe card before you can secure tonight's Thai red curry rotation.

Attendance always spikes before finals. Or before Yale and Harvard football go head to head in "The Game".

Hurry up, you'll miss today's all important "why Harvard sucks" lecture.

Believe it or not, this is one of the student dorms. No wonder graduates from this fine institution barely blink when they misplace a billion or two of shareholder funds - why it's just pocket change.

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