Been there, done that, read all about it on Like a bad relapse of the Peruvian flu, here it all is again, only this time through the lens of a camera that doesn't require a luggage tag of its own.
Did someone mention Lake
Tikicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world? Well, that depends on who's navigating...

First view of the legendary floating islands of Puno. Well, actually make that second view. Some phat upstarts already published these exclusive shots.

How to differentiate your floating habitat from the Joneses down the lake? How about a big fish.

Rock gets up close and personal with a friendly native. Hang on, those sunnies don't seem to be made of reeds... fishy.

Mei finally found a country... well a small floating island half way between Peru and
Boliva anyway... where she's not a shorty!

Look at all that tempting merchandise. It's almost like they hoisted anchor and cruised on down to the local Two Soles shop and loaded up just in time for the next tourist boat.

Small hats are all the rage this year. Big heads not so much.

Jared can't manage to contain his
gluttony long enough to even get a decent photo.

The first contact team. No, no, no! You're supposed to trade crappy trinkets for the title to their floating island, not let them flog you cheap wares in exchange for all your hard currency! What kind of conquistadors are you?!

How come the boat is listing this way?

How come we didn't get the luxury
catamaran? Why that sleek beast has double our reed count!

Wow, aren't you cool. You can imitate a floppy pink bird with a brain the size of a pea.

You've been asking for it, so here they are! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for The Three Amigos!

Lucky moon man.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? What's up there that's so fascinating? Or are they just keeping a wary eye out in case the Rock hasn't quite shaken off the last
vestiges of the flu as he scales a reed tower...

View of the local neighborhood. Enjoy it before it floats away.

If I were perched on a rickety reed tower on a wobbly floating island, I wouldn't look nearly so happy.
I command ye, carry my bag all the way over the Inca Trail!

Next stop, the ancient ruins of...
uhm... where's my trusty Lonely Planet when I need it... oh wait, I know, just bear with me while dash over to Two Phat...

There's something quite
eerie about a mysterious tower of stone keeping vigil over the desolate landscape.

Show a little dignity folks, this is a graveyard after all. Yeah, but this is a blog, where dignity means not posting
that photo... if you're lucky.

See that speck? That's supposed to be the moon. I swear it would look much cooler if I had Jared's camera.

But no rest for the wicked. Or for debilitated, disease ridden adventurers. It's onwards on upwards. Or rather downwards, it turns out the next stop - Cuzco - is actually a little lower than

hah, you almost had me there, but cheap disguises won't fool me - it's Amigos
Uno and Dos from the Three Amigos! Quick, get out the autograph book!

Another blog post, another ruin.

This used to be a big temple. Now it's a bit tourist trap.

Team J00
ster on the road to recovery. Yeah, keep up that positive thinking.

When you're part of the Three Amigos, there is no respite from the cameras.

Another day comes to an end, as does another 8 hour bus ride. Rest assured
Conde Nast traveller won't be coming this route. But
ster sure as heck will if it saves a Soles or two.
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